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Kamis, 15 November 2012

pidato bahasa inggris tentang pariwisata

The Potential of Tourism in Nabire
Assalamualaikum wr.wb.
Good morning and peace be with you
Dear committee, dear the juries, dear brothers and sisters. First of all, let’s pray to our God who has given us cherity and bless so we can gather in this place in framework of english speech competition. But before I read my speech, let me say thank you to the committee who has given the opportunity to me. Well, let me deliver my speech with the title “the Potential of Tourism in Nabire”
Dear brothers and sisters.
Nowadays, Nabire is one of the  fast growing regencies in Papua which have great possibility to lead in several sector because it has many potential resources. One of the sectors which supporting the devolopment of nabire is tourism. This potency will enhance Nabire to be more attractive to attract more tourist. If Nabire becomes a tourism destination, it will be an income sector for Nabire regency and it will create new employment and improve micro-enterprises of Nabire society.
But According to Indonesian Statistic’s datas, in 2010 Indonesia visited by  6.358.723 foreigner tourist and Papua visited by more than 9000 foreigner tourist in the same year. But Nabire just visited by 312 tourists. It’s indicated to us how far the comparison between Papua Province and Nabire Regency, even though our potential is almost same. Now the problem is, what the Government must do to increase the amount of tourist who visit Nabire in the next year? The answer is only one, they must develop the tourism potential in Nabire. But how they can develop the tourism potential in Nabire Regency?
Dear brothers and sisters.
If the Government of Nabire really want to devolop the tourism potential in Nabire regency, There are several steps for them.
First, Government must carried out serious research about the tourism potential which is later will give benefit to whole society. This research must involve the native because they know about the situation and the surplus in their place.
Second, Government must make a mature planning in case to bring the research into
reality. If there is a mature planning, it will make tourism in Nabire which later will give benefit to the Government and society.
Third, Government must carried out serious work based on the result of the research and mature planning. If there is only result of the research and mature planning but there is no serious work, I swear that the tourism potential is can’t be developed well.
Forth, the Government must promote our tourism object to the other city even to the world so it can be famous and attract more foreigner tourist. 
Dear brothers and sisters.
The increase of the tourism sector in Nabire Regency depend on the Government policy and work in this case Tourism Department. Remember, whatever the policy, must give benefit to the society so they can be more prosperous.
If there is no work of the Government to save the local potential, don’t you think Nabire will growing. Indeed it will be make disagreement between government and society who want to manage the tourism sector.
I hope Government must more care to the potential in nabire especially in case of tourism, so it can increase the number of tourist and increase the prosperous of Nabire society.
That is all, thank you.   

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